Hack webcam using python by sending malicious link.

- [+] Real-time Camera hacking
- [+] Python compatible
- [+] Less Size
- [+] Updated regularly
- [+] URL Shortener using bitly [V 2.0]
- [+] Telegram Support [V 3.0]
- [+] Heroku deploy [V 3.1] — — -> (Beta testing)
- [-] Multiple templates V 4.0
- [-] Enhanced template trick V 5.0
- Ubuntu
- Kali Linux
- Termux
- Install any Python 3.x version
- Make sure you are using pip of Python3, to check
pip --version
git clone https://github.com/sankethj/z-cam
pip install -r requirements.txt
INSTALLATION for HEROKU: (beta testing)
Heroku version of script is still under test. You can work on it if you like. I'll inform when its up.
- Deploy on Heroku
- You need to signup in Bitly and get your access token in API session
- Now in the project directory there is a file called
, in that replaceyour_token
with your access token - After running the script, it will ask if you want to shorten the ngrok link type
or else typen
- you will be provided with ngrok tunnel link with or without shortened depending on what yoy have choosen
- Send that link to Client
- Cam Images will be stored in the directory called capture.
- Captured Cam Image will be saved in the format of
img_<year-month-day> <time_24hr_format>.png
- Clients’ ip address, User-Agent (system, browser) details and it will be saved in the file called
- Make sure you use Wifi or Hotspot turned ON while using this tool.
python3 zcam.py
- First time while running the tool, you need to start and test yourself. Most of time due to some problem in flask it wont take images properly. After getting tunneling link quit the program and start it again. It will work fine definitely.
- This tool is Python compatible
- It uses Flask to host web-server
- If you go through the code, there is both GET and POST requests made.
- GET request will provide you the Clients’ ip address, User-Agent details and it will be saved in the file called myfile.txt
- POST request will provide you the Clients’ Base64 encoded Cam image data and it will be decrypted and stored as image file in capture directory
- I used pyngrok (the wrapper of ngrok), to create https tunnel and bitly to shorten the tunneled URL
- Replace with your bitly access token here

- Working of

- Captured Cam image files

- A Sample crypto webpage which attract more client for free crypto

- Files stored

This tool is only for educational purposes. If you use this tool for other purposes except educational we will not be responsible in such cases.